Mapo Tofu  

Posted by: Margie's Corner in ,


- 1 pack of Regular Tofu
- 250 gr Pork mince
- 2 cloves Garlic
- Onion
- 2 tbsp Oil
- 2 Tbsp of Chilli bean paste
- 1- 2 tsp of Fish Sauce
- 2 tsp cooking wine
- 2 tsp of Sugar
- Salt and Pepper
- 1/2 cup of water
- 1 tbsp cornstarch and 2 tbsp of water
- Spring onion ( sprinkle on top)

How to:

1. Wash and Cut the tofu into 1 cm square cubes.
2. Chop garlic , onion and spring onion .
3. Heat wok and add oil, when it's ready stir fry the onion then garlic.
4. Add the pork mince and stir fry until the color darkens
5. Add 2 tbsp of Chilli bean Paste , fish sauce, cooking wine, sugar . stir until they blend well with the meat. then pour 1/2 cup of water into the tofu. cook for another 3 min.
6. while cooking , mix cornstarch with 2 tbsp of water, then add to wok and stir gently.
sprinkle the chop spring onion on top of the tofu.

Serve with steamed rice

you can season the tofu to suit your taste if you find out that the tofu is not salty enough.

Ayam Bakar Palembang (Palembang Grilled Chicken)  

Posted by: Margie's Corner in ,

Recipes taken from Aneka Masakan AYAM Nusantara. tim dapur DeMedia

5 buah paha ayam
1/3 butir kelapa, dikupas, diparut, disangrai
500 ml santan dari 1 butir kelapa

BUmbu yang dihaluskan

6 siung bawang putih
4 siung bawang merah
8 buah cabe merah
1/2 tsp ketumbar
1 cm kunyit, di bakar
1 sdt kunyit, dibakar
1 sdt air asam jawa
1/2 sdt terasi, dibakar
1 1/2 sdt garam

Cara Membuat:
1. campur paha ayam dengan bumbu yg dihaluskan, kelapa sangrai, dan santan.
Masak hingga daging empuk, dan kuah kering. Angkat
2 simpan ayam berbumbu di dalam pingan tahan panas, lalu panggang dalam oven bersuhu 200 derajat celcius selama 20 min


- 1 Whole Chicken
- 1/3 coconut, grated and toasted ( sangrai)
- 500 ml coconut milk from 1 pcs of coconut

( blend all the marinade ingredients in the food processor)
6 cloves garlic
4 cloves red onion
8 chilli
1/2 tsp corriander
1 tsp tumeric
1 tsp tamarind water ( assam )
1/2 tsp shirmp paste
1 1/2 tsp salt

How TO:

1. Marinade the chicken , Toasted coconut, and coconut milk
2. Cook until the chicken until dry, put aside.
3. Heat the oven to 200 degree, baked or grilled the chicken in the oven for 20 mins.